What is Neurofeedback?
Neurofeedback is a non-invasive, non-pharmacologic method of normalizing pathological brain activity by engaging the brain’s built-in therapeutic powers, thus bringing about desired changes in a person’s behavior and mental functioning. Just as the physical body is able to heal (normalize) itself when injured, so a range of behavioral disorders can be improved by addressing certain brain functions in specific ways. The Center for Stress Control offers an effective treatment program for individuals struggling with addictive and other psychobiologic disorders.
Specifically, who can be helped by a program of Neurofeedback?
The program is most appropriate for individuals with the following conditions:
- drug, alcohol, and food addictions
- certain types of depression and other mood disorders
- the emotional consequences of major life events and losses (also known as post-traumatic stress disorder)
- other stress-related and anxiety disorders
How does it work?
The program utilizes computer-assisted monitoring equipment which helps clients achieve brainwave patterns associated with balance. The technology works by reflecting changes in brainwave activity and feeding back the information in such a way that participants learn how to manage their own attitudes and moods and to regulate their own thought patterns and stress levels.
During the course of the neurofeedback session, participants typically have many insights about how they use their mind. They learn from direct experience that the way they use their mind determines their performance limits – for self-regulation, creativity, communication, and life management.