The Sleep Well Kit is designed to help you reset your body’s natural rhythms so you can sleep deeply again and wake up more refreshed and renewed. You will learn how to eliminate barriers to sleep and how your mind affects your sleep.
In addition, you will learn smart habits and behaviors that make sleep easier with a few simple, effective and clinically proven techniques. They are not “quick fixes” like sleep medications, but they’ll give you more effective (and safer) results in the long run.
A Sleep Well audio compact disc is included. The gentle, soothing voice (mixed with even more soothing music and sounds) on this CD gives suggestions which effectively aid in relaxing your body and calming your mind. Specific suggestions will help you eliminate insomnia, including difficulty falling asleep, worrying about falling asleep, and problems getting back to sleep in the middle of the night. (20-25 minutes)
PRICE: CHF 39.- + shipping / EURO 32.- + shipping