Center for Stress Control > Pratical Learning Guides > Stress and Your Health
Stress is the cost of living that affects everyone and everything we do. But excessive stress, or an inability to cope with stress, can affect our health. Conservative estimates suggest that more than 75% of the medical problems presented in the doctor’s office are in some way stress related.
This guide explores strategies you can use to meet the demands of your life in a more positive and constructive way.
- Home
- Stress Solutions
- Resources
- Self-Assessment Tools
- Are you depressed?
- Are You Too Angry?
- Assertiveness Profile Questionnaire
- Burnout Questionnaire
- Change Management Profile
- Conflict Style Profile
- Emotional Intelligence Test
- Job Stress Assessment
- Leadership Performance Appraisal
- Life Change Questionnaire
- Personal Stress Profile
- Personal Style Evaluation
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Questionnaire
- Self-Esteem Inventory
- Stress Resiliency Assessment
- Stress Symptoms Inventory
- Stress Vulnerability Questionnaire
- Team Building Profile
- Type A Behavior Assessment
- Workplace Bullying Assessment
- Pratical Learning Guides
- Coping with anger
- Stress and Resilience
- Stress and Personality
- Traumatic Stress
- Coping with Stress
- Coping with Change
- Dealing with Difficult People
- Emergency Stress Management
- Meditative Relaxation
- Stress and Your Health
- Stress and Burnout
- Dealing with Uncertainty
- Communication and Stress
- Stress and Emotional Eating
- Reducing Holiday Stress
- Dealing with Conflict at Work
- Preparing for Interviews
- Terrorism: Overcoming Anxiety and Fear
- Building Self-Esteem
- Stress and High Blood Pressure
- Stop Smoking Support and Tips
- Effective Listening
- How to Sleep Better
- Coping with Anxiety
- Overcoming Procrastination
- Dealing with Angry People
- Personal Development Kits
- Self-Assessment Tools
- Workshops
- Building Personal Resiliency
- Coping With Change
- Strategies For Impressive Interviews
- Managing Traumatic Stress
- Dealing With Difficult People
- Proactive Stress Management
- Enhancing Team Performance
- Conflict Management
- Effective Communication
- Responsive Management Training
- SmokeFree – A complete smoking cessation program
- Travel Smart
- Workplace Stress
- Biofeedback